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Pamycarie | #DearDeer | 2020 Autumn Collection
Pamycarie #DearDeer Autumn Collection 2020 Designed & handcrafted in Hong Kong by the Pamycarie Team. ❀ Campaign Crew ❀ Director_Art...
Dough Figurines Floral Installation "Rosy Clouds" by YYYCARRIE
Every cloud has its silver lining, so as flowers. "Rosy Clouds" refers to the multi-colored sunset clouds, which also represents the...
Pamycarie The Strawberry Kisses LIMITED EDITION Aurora | 2018 Winter
幻彩極光再次為戀愛拉開序幕。 Limited Edition. The Strawberry Kisses: Aurora. ❆ 極光女神歐若拉為大地帶來的最好的禮物,彩光隨星塵流動,記錄下戀愛中每一次心動。 ❆ ...
{Behind the Scene} Making of the Pamycarie #TheStrawberryKisses
✣ 香港工藝 ✣ 如戀愛一般的冬日果實 ✣ 為樹脂黏土注入靈魂,以巧手製作一朵又一朵的迷你花,惟有精湛工藝呈現能花的每種姿態。工藝師為樹脂黏土花添上天使的羽翼,由設計、選料及製作,每一個步驟都傾注心意。伴隨冬日來臨,草莓由純白的花朵蛻變成紅潤的莓果,標誌著戀愛季節的來臨。全...
Handmade Resin Tile Kitchen Wall
New work♡ Handmade resin tiles for client’s beloved kitchen. Customised shades & pattern. 290x290x10MM per tile. Kitchen size ~200sqft....
Pamycarie The Strawberry Kisses: Venus | 2018 Winter
伴隨冬日來臨,草莓由純白的花朵蛻變成紅潤的莓果,標誌著戀愛季節的來臨。 與之相配的戀愛石粉晶,除了帶著夢幻粉紅光澤,同樣是少女的禱告。 在渴望愛與被愛的關係中,Pamycarie為你保留不為人知的少女心。 是次系列採用了天然粉晶作為主題石。 粉晶(Rose...
Pamycarie SS18 SUNSHOWER Guide to find yourself.
Pamycarie SUNSHOWER Guide to find yourself: Part 1"Sunflower" Pamycarie SUNSHOWER Guide to find yourself: Part 2"Rainshower" 我收集不同面貌的自己,...
Capstone Project - Hong Kong's Cabinet of Craft Curiosity
Craftsmanship is a project in its own right. The beauty of craftsmanship points towards the craftsman’s attributes, manifested in each...
Interpretation of Spatial Qualities
In the Capstone project - Hong Kong's Cabinet of Craft Curiosities, a drawing has been presented to show the abstract interpretation of...
Pamycarie 2nd Anniversary - the Latest Artefact Series, Sakura Collection
Sakura is a soul blossoming in nature. Pamycarie proudly presents the latest artefact series, "Sakura Collection" - now beautifully...
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